Blue Marine Foundation saves time and money with automatic reporting in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Blue Marine Foundation is on a mission to save the oceans. When its finance and reporting system couldn't keep up with growth, it implemented Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Read the customer story to learn from Blue Marine Foundation's experience, including how Dynamics' automated reporting gives its project managers the information they need to advance it environmental causes.
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Blue Marine Foundation saves time and money with automatic reporting in Dynamics 365 Business Central
published by RetroFit Technologies
RetroFit Technologies, Inc. is a leading Managed Services Provider (MSP) specializing in Back-up and Disaster Recovery, Onsite Support and Maintenance, as well as Hardware Procurement. We provide our PROACTIVE Managed Services through our locally staffed, in-house NOC (Network Operations Center). Our NOC is a huge advantage to customers looking for reliable and local technical expertise.